Personality Typing​
Personality is at the very heart of what it means to be human. We move in different rhythms, tempos, and directions. Thus, we are all different. While Bob likes to travel, Bill would rather stay at home. Sandra enjoys a lively argument, but Patricia prefers quiet conversation. Each of us responds to the same situation in our own unique way.
After almost eighty years of research, we now know much more about personality types and learning styles. In fact, several branches of behavioral research have recently led us to many of the same conclusions about the way we behave. Researchers have studied the brain, observed human behavior over long periods of time, and looked at how twins, separated at birth, act essentially the same throughout their lives. This indicates that personality is genetic.
Research has found that there are basically four “types” of personalities. These types can be seen in children as early as five years old. Your personality type reveals itself in all your activities and attitudes. It is a part of the way you think. Each personality type has its strengths and weaknesses. It is only by knowing these strengths and weaknesses that we overcome non-productive behavior. You are born with certain tendencies and, most often, you can predict how you and others will respond to situations based on these tendencies.

Here are a few important points about personality types:
Although you may modify your behavior in certain situations, your personality stays the same throughout life.
No one has a pure type. Each of us has a mixture of types.
You can predict how others will respond to situations based on their dominant personality type.
You can deliberately modify your behavior to better relate to others with different personality types.
By learning about your own personality type, you can better understand how others will react to you.
While we must avoid stereotyping ourselves and others, personality types define our “style of life” and uniqueness.
Personality typing should not destroy this uniqueness but should give wing to better and more fulfilling relations with others.
Each type has areas of strength and areas that need improving. No one personality type is better than another.
By modifying your behaviors to meet the needs of the situation or of others, you can have more positive and productive relations.
BEST personality profile instruments are a vital part of self-examination and self-understanding. They can be helpful in improving performance, leadership, teaming, and communication.
The administration of BEST Instruments is fun and informative, and designed to be a positive, growing experience for each participant.